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"Media Voice" From Gori

"Media Voice" Training and solidarity event & discussion was held in Gori, at the EECMD office on October 15. Regional journalists, representatives of local NGOs and civic activists participated in the events.

The goal of "MediaVoice" project is to support freedom of speech by strengthening the vitality of the media and creating a supportive media environment. In addition, strengthening the capacity of media workers to combat self-censorship and fear. Topics of the trainings are as it follows: Media and self-censorship, freedom of speech, human rights and the media, solidarity journalism.

Trainers and experts of "MediaVoice" are:

  • Irine Kurdadze, director of the International Law Institute (ILI), professor;

  • Teona Tskhomelidze, media expert and journalist;

  • Zura Vardiashvili, editor-in-chief of "Publika", lecturer;

  • Tamar Aleksidze, expert in the field of international law and lecturer (Institute of International Law).

The meeting in Gori started with a discussion, whereas the role of regional media in covering local problems was highlighted. Participants noted that coordination between regional and mainstream media is very important while working near the occupied territories. Professional cooperation, on the one hand, strengthens solidarity and, on the other hand, media can enhance accountability of the government.

In frame of the project the training has been conducted. Professor Mariam Gersamia said: "Our brain is vulnerable to disinformation and especially on topics we know less or nothing about. It is important to know more about human rights and, and in particular, on freedom of expression, the role of the media in the context of international law. When dealing with self-censorship, collective stress resilience is very important; we should acknowledge that problem exists on a structural level and not only on individual level” - Mariam Gersamia said.

During the meeting, an interesting discussion was held regarding the issue of international regulators of freedom of expression. Tamar Aleksidze recalled the article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights within the framework of her session. " Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers".

At the end of the meeting, regional journalists and MCERC team members discussed regional related to human right reporting, solidarity journalism and covering of vulnerable groups.

In the coming months, similar workshops and discussions with the involvement of media workers will continue throughout Georgia. MCERC actively cooperates with media organizations and higher educational institutions. The main partners of the "Mediavoice" project are the Institute of International Law of TSU (Jean Monet Chair / UEUPE), the University of Georgia and "Publica".

The MCERC project "MediaVoice: more freedom, less self-censorship in the media" is implemented with the support of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Georgia.


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