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Chatham House Discussion on “Strengthening the Media’s Crisis Resilience in Georgia and Ukraine”

MCERC Chairwoman, prof. Mariam Gersamia participated in the Roundtable “Strengthening the media’s crisis resilience in Georgia and Ukraine” Hosted by Russia-Eurasia and International Security Programmes, Chatham House - International Affairs Think Tank on 2 December, London.

The discussion was focused on the new challenges for independent media in Georgia and Ukraine after Russia’s war on Ukraine. Participants included journalists, editors, technical experts, and researchers, policy experts and decision-makers and representatives from NGOs. The event assessed what approaches and tools have worked best in Ukraine and Georgia and sharing best practices and transferable lessons.

The roundtable’s main aims were:

• Share go-to best-practices for verifying, fact-checking, ensuring reliable communications and distribution of information during crisis, including counter disinformation exercises;

• Facilitate international information-sharing with counterparts on effective, locally and linguistically relevant, and fit-for-purpose technical tools, resources and platforms that help stakeholders forecast, respond to and weather shared information and cyber threats, and ensure their content reaches their intended audiences;

• Spotlight existing ‘crisis gaps’ in technical and human capacity in counter disinformation efforts in all three countries;

• Identify what ‘agile support’ from international stakeholders may look like in practice for supporting media resilience, sustainability and counter-disinformation activities.

During the visit in London MCERC’s chairwoman Mariam Gersamia attended the conference “Russia’s war: How will it shape the region’s future?” hosted by Chatham House On 1 December. A conference was focused on key political and economic trends in the wider region and will include sessions on the South Caucasus and on Ukraine (see more:

The events was convened under the Chatham House rule.


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