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Media Psychology: Challenges of Competence-Based Curricula and Employment (2019)

Authors: Mariam Gersamia, Maia Toradze

published in Conference proceedings: 19th Lisbon Portugal International Conference on Social Sciences, Humanities and Education (PSSHE-19); DOI: 10.17758/DIRPUB6.ED0419105

Media Psychology: Challenges of Competence-Based Curricula and Employment (2019)

The purpose of this research is to identify the most common criteria (knowledge and skill-based competencies) which employers consider in the process of employing media psychologists. The research holds significance for adjusting interdisciplinary educational programs and advancing media psychologists' competency matrix. The research is a valuable resource for educators in modernizing educational programs by taking into consideration employment requirements and fine-tuning accreditation standards. Employers from 35 media organizations, non-governmental and governmental organizations answered questionnaires (with close and open-ended questions). This research answers the following questions: 1. According to what criteria could media psychologists be employed in Georgia? 2. What specific knowledge and skills are more attractive for employers? According to the results, there is a low awareness towards media psychologists, 71% of employers do not have in staff media psychologists and up to 45% wish to employ them; and 75% of employers would offer a trial period to them.

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